RCM Advanced
RCM Advanced is the ultimate software for time-keeping and race management and is based on RCM Ultimate but is limited in some ranges. RCM Advanced is the optimal solution for clubs or single persons to organize small and medium size race events.
The concept of RCM Advanced is a client-server architecture. To avoid that RCM Advanced is overloaded with complex and partly customer specific needs, special functions not related to the time keeping have been realized in client-programs, which connect to RCM Advanced. To use those clients, you have to use a network. RCM Publisher (result publishing in the drivers area), RCM Voice (separate Voice announcements) and RCM Signal (signal control) support RCM Advanced and can help you with the race organization.

Performance Overview
- automatic and manual arrangement of the qualification heats
- qualification results according to laps and time
- best time in qualification
- point system in qualification
- automatic arrangement of the finals according to electric and I.C. rules
- list of participants with frequencies and transponder numbers
- ranking list after qualification
- results including lap times
- final result
Compared with RCM Ultimate RCM Advanced is limited in the following parts:
- max. 40 participants per section
- max. 10 sections, max 2 sections in an event
- max. 5 organizers
- max 2 tracks per organizer
- max 2 sections per race
- qualification and final modes are limited
- Practice mode
- Monitoring (Database / Networkclients)
- Teamadministration
- Startorder configurations
- Constant administration (Country, Frequency, Block)
- Skilladjustment
- Championship administration
- Automatically controlling of race based on time schedule
- Raceanalysis
- Mutations (change pilot / change ssection)
- Messages (Announcements / Tickermessages)
- Remove pilotnumber
- Reset Skill- und Levelvalues
- Import / Export of Blockdata
- Cross-section reports (Participant, Grouparrangement, Rankinglist)
License terms
Information about the license terms can be found on the following page: License terms
Hardware requirements
Supported operating system:
- Windows 7
- Windows 8 / 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
Please install RCM into the directory which is suggested by the setup (if RCM is installed under "C:\Program Files", problems can occure)
Minimal requirements:
- Prozessor: I3 or newer
- Memory: 8 GB or more
- Printer: Parallel, USB, Network or Fileprinter
A demo version of RCM Advanced can be downloaded over our website. In order to use this demo version, you must register yourself through our website to receive the required demo license keys. You can find the registration here
The usermanuals as well as other product specific documents can be downloaded here