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Project RCM Ultimate
Summary Tracksettings / Start Racetime for all pilots after reset in an uncontroled way
Sequence 3681
Classification Bug
Priority Low
Status Done
Kickoff date Dec 30, 1899
Maturity date Dec 30, 1899
Version 2.5.3
Expense 0
Description After creating a new event, the "Tracksettings / Start Racetime for all pilots after" is reset to the default value 00:02:00.
I don't find exactly when in the event preparation the change occurs but I always use a setting of 00:00:30 in order to avoid schedule drift in case of rain (everybody is DNS).
The field is discovered reset to 00:02:00 when the even starts


Timestamp Who Comment
Jun 14, 2024 8:06:06 AM Felix Romer I just reproduce the bug 1 time today (the first time I try) but not each time when I try to reproduce it. So the way to have the bug is not so clear for me. However it occurs the 3 times I prepare our events this year... it is crasy.
Basicaly the parameter is reset just after the import event data / driverlist from csv file. I join one typical file.
I always use CSV file import for driver list.

- I start the application
- check/change parameter in track administration to 00:00:30
- create new race and add some sessions
- check parameter in track administration : it is still 00:00:30
- import event driverlist from CSV file
- check parameter in track administration : the value is 00:02:00 !!!

The procedure is probably not completly exact because I was not able to reproduce it 2 times...
I use 2.5.1 version.

Change history

Timestamp Who Modification
Jun 12, 2024 11:40:20 PM Ticket created
Jun 13, 2024 7:53:11 AM Felix Romer Field: Responsible
Old value: -
New value : Romer Felix
Jun 13, 2024 7:53:11 AM Felix Romer Field: Status
Old value: Opened
New value : Running
Jun 14, 2024 10:46:09 AM Felix Romer Field: Status
Old value: Running
New value : Done
Jun 14, 2024 10:46:10 AM Felix Romer Field: Version
Old value:
New value : 2.5.3