Project | RCM Ultimate |
Summary | Indication of position changes |
Sequence | 3485 |
Classification | Feature Request |
Priority | Low |
Status | Done |
Kickoff date | Dec 30, 1899 |
Maturity date | Dec 30, 1899 |
Responsible | |
Version | 2.5.1 |
Expense | 0 |
Description | In Formula 1, for example, the result shows how many places a driver has currently improved or worsened compared to his starting position. This is usually done with a green arrow pointing upwards and the number of places gained or with a red arrow pointing downwards and the number of places lost.
The indication of position changes would be a helpful feature in RCM Ultimate itself, but especially in RCM Publisher and Livetiming, to highlight the changes of positions in a well-visible way to commentators, spectators, mechanics, etc. |
Change history
Timestamp | Who | Modification |
Jun 1, 2023 11:35:57 AM | Ticket created | |
Nov 5, 2023 2:20:25 PM | Felix Romer | Field: VersionOld value: New value : 2.5.1 |
Nov 5, 2023 2:20:28 PM | Felix Romer | Field: ResponsibleOld value: - New value : Romer Felix |
Nov 7, 2023 9:47:42 AM | Felix Romer | Field: StatusOld value: Opened New value : Running |
Nov 10, 2023 8:48:44 AM | Felix Romer | Field: StatusOld value: Running New value : Done |