Project | RCM Ultimate |
Summary | Start blocked at report engine |
Sequence | 2892 |
Classification | Support Request |
Priority | Low |
Status | Done |
Kickoff date | Dec 30, 1899 |
Maturity date | Dec 30, 1899 |
Responsible | |
Version | |
Expense | 0 |
Description | Hello, I just update RCM. But now RCM don't start completely anymore. It blocks at the step "starting report engine". Can you help me.
Thank you. |
Change history
Timestamp | Who | Modification |
Sep 7, 2020 10:01:42 PM | Ticket created | |
Sep 8, 2020 7:53:29 AM | Felix Romer | Field: ResponsibleOld value: - New value : Romer Felix |
Sep 8, 2020 7:53:30 AM | Felix Romer | Field: StatusOld value: Opened New value : Running |
Sep 9, 2020 5:33:54 AM | Felix Romer | Field: VersionOld value: New value : |
Sep 9, 2020 5:35:14 AM | Felix Romer | Field: SpecificationOld value: Hello, I just update RCM. But know RCM don't start : he's blocking at "report engine" start status. Can you help me.
Thank you. AP New value : Hello, I just update RCM. But now RCM don't start completely anymore. It blocks at the step "starting report engine". Can you help me. Thank you. |
Sep 9, 2020 5:35:34 AM | Felix Romer | Field: StatusOld value: Running New value : Done |