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Projekt RCM Ultimate
Zusammenfassung After executing the reseeding, all following rounds should have the same arrangement.
Sequenz 3267
Klassifikation Change Request
Priorität Medium
Status Done
Startdatum 30.12.1899
Fälligkeitsdatum 30.12.1899
Aufwand 0
Beschreibung If the reseeding is executed, all following rounds should have the same reseeded arrangement. Not only the next round, as it is currently the case

Change history

Zeitstempel Wer Änderung
30.05.2022 15:30:14 Ticket erstellt
31.05.2022 08:35:46 Felix Romer Feld: Responsible
Alter Wert: -
Neuer Wert: Romer Felix
31.05.2022 08:35:49 Felix Romer Feld: Priority
Alter Wert: Low
Neuer Wert: Medium
31.05.2022 08:36:52 Felix Romer Feld: Specification
Alter Wert: We would like to have back the functionality of the global reseeding. That is after we do reseeding all following rounds to have arrangement as after the reseeding.
Neuer Wert: After executing the reseeding, all following rounds should have the same arrangement.
31.05.2022 08:37:05 Felix Romer Feld: Title
Alter Wert: We would like to have back the global reseeding feature
Neuer Wert: After executing the reseeding, all following rounds should have the same arrangement.
31.05.2022 08:37:56 Felix Romer Feld: Specification
Alter Wert: After executing the reseeding, all following rounds should have the same arrangement.
Neuer Wert: If the reseeding is executed, all following rounds should have the same reseeded arrangement. Not only the next round, as it is currently the case
31.05.2022 08:38:01 Felix Romer Feld: Version
Alter Wert:
Neuer Wert: 2.4.9
31.05.2022 08:38:05 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Opened
Neuer Wert: Running
11.06.2022 08:16:52 Felix Romer Feld: Version
Alter Wert: 2.4.9
Neuer Wert:
11.06.2022 08:16:58 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Running
Neuer Wert: Done