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Projekt RCM Ultimate
Zusammenfassung Possibility to change colors of new LED panel
Sequenz 1160
Klassifikation Change Request
Priorität Medium
Status Done
Startdatum 01.05.2013
Fälligkeitsdatum 01.05.2013
Aufwand 0
Beschreibung Some customer has requested the possibility to change colors of new LED panels. In this update, it will be possible to configure the following properties of the LED panels:
- LED contrast
- LED color
- LED background color

Change history

Zeitstempel Wer Änderung
29.04.2013 11:14:23 Ticket erstellt
29.04.2013 11:17:38 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Opened
Neuer Wert: Running
29.04.2013 15:41:07 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Running
Neuer Wert: Done