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Projekt RCM Ultimate
Zusammenfassung Increase offtime
Sequenz 2109
Klassifikation Change Request
Priorität Low
Status Done
Startdatum 17.08.2016
Fälligkeitsdatum 30.12.1899
Aufwand 0
Beschreibung Is it possible to increase the time offtime? The length on the track circle is 2 minutes 30 seconds. Currently offtime value can not exceed 50 seconds. I would like to put this time 2 minutes. It is necessary to avoid false registrations transponders. Is it possible to increase this value?


Zeitstempel Wer Kommentar
17.08.2016 12:32:30 Felix Romer increased offtime range from 50 to 180 (seconds)

Change history

Zeitstempel Wer Änderung
17.08.2016 10:00:04 Ticket erstellt
17.08.2016 11:19:00 Felix Romer Feld: Responsible
Alter Wert: -
Neuer Wert: Romer Felix
17.08.2016 11:19:06 Felix Romer Feld: Classification
Alter Wert: Support Request
Neuer Wert: Change Request
17.08.2016 11:19:44 Felix Romer Feld: Specification
Alter Wert: Hello!
I meet "RCM Ultimate" program. At this point I'm interested in two questions on this program.
Is it possible to increase the time offtime? The length on the track circle is 2 minutes 30 seconds. Currently offtime value can not exceed 50

Neuer Wert: Is it possible to increase the time offtime? The length on the track circle is 2 minutes 30 seconds. Currently offtime value can not exceed 50 seconds. I would like to put this time 2 minutes. It is necessary to avoid false registrations transponders. Is
17.08.2016 11:19:58 Felix Romer Feld: Title
Alter Wert: Increase offtime and using one more loop.
Neuer Wert: Increase offtime
17.08.2016 11:19:58 Felix Romer Feld: Version
Alter Wert:
Neuer Wert:
17.08.2016 11:20:02 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Opened
Neuer Wert: Running
17.08.2016 12:32:37 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Running
Neuer Wert: Done