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Projekt RCM Ultimate
Zusammenfassung Audio output with LapZ decoder
Sequenz 1037
Klassifikation Bug
Priorität Medium
Status Done
Startdatum 14.11.2012
Fälligkeitsdatum 14.11.2012
Version 2.0.0
Aufwand 0
Beschreibung In decoder LapZ no audio output, and the program at passing of transponder puts the signal of loop, in the queue voice messages.
Turns out a big signal delay loops, if already pronounced the message, and the pilot could not hear his signal in real time.
It is possible mix signal loops with other voice messages, or is this technically impossible?

Implemented second announcement manager which will just process the "loop passed" announcements

Change history

Zeitstempel Wer Änderung
14.11.2012 06:53:32 Ticket erstellt
01.12.2012 08:04:31 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Opened
Neuer Wert: Running
11.01.2013 17:17:02 Felix Romer Feld: Specification
Alter Wert: In decoder LapZ no audio output, and the program at passing of transponder puts the signal of loop, in the queue voice messages.
Turns out a big signal delay loops, if already pronounced the message, and the pilot could not hear his signal in real time.

Neuer Wert: In decoder LapZ no audio output, and the program at passing of transponder puts the signal of loop, in the queue voice messages.
Turns out a big signal delay loops, if already pronounced the message, and the pilot could not hear his signal in real time.
11.01.2013 17:17:21 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Running
Neuer Wert: Done