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Projekt RCM Ultimate
Zusammenfassung Person is not saved during MyRCM synchronization, if "Convert to UpperCase" is activated
Sequenz 1103
Klassifikation Change Request
Priorität Medium
Status Done
Startdatum 12.03.2013
Fälligkeitsdatum 12.03.2013
Aufwand 0
Beschreibung If the MyRCM sync is processed, then a person will not be updated to database even if the "Convert to UpperCase" is activated. The reason for that is, because no property of the person itsellf has been changed and the property change checker of the person works based on "NoCase".

The property change checker has no be adjusted, that the name and prename will be checked without "NoCase" option. On this way it can be forced, that the entry will be save to database.

Change history

Zeitstempel Wer Änderung
12.03.2013 10:30:51 Ticket erstellt
12.03.2013 10:31:16 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Opened
Neuer Wert: Running
12.03.2013 10:59:08 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Running
Neuer Wert: Done
15.03.2013 16:46:13 Felix Romer Feld: AddOn
Alter Wert:
Neuer Wert: