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Projekt RCM Ultimate
Zusammenfassung New report with listened transponder which have low hits
Sequenz 984
Klassifikation Feature Request
Priorität Medium
Status Done
Startdatum 27.07.2012
Fälligkeitsdatum 27.07.2012
Version 1.4.21
Aufwand 0
Beschreibung I would like to have available in RCM a report for printing a list of drivers with low hits. We should be able to determine what do we consider as low hits, under which value I would like to include a driver in this list for checking his transponder. This would be very helpful for the technical inspection, to help us to avoid future problems: laps not counted.


Zeitstempel Wer Kommentar
27.07.2012 10:13:18 Felix Romer I would probably use the same configuration as they are used for the warning
messages (see attachment). Would make sense, or not?

Change history

Zeitstempel Wer Änderung
27.07.2012 10:12:46 Ticket erstellt
27.07.2012 11:08:44 Felix Romer Feld: AddOn
Alter Wert:
Neuer Wert: 1.4.21
27.07.2012 11:08:49 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Opened
Neuer Wert: Running
28.07.2012 14:09:19 Felix Romer Feld: Status
Alter Wert: Running
Neuer Wert: Done