# Zusammenfassung Version Status Typ Priorität
RCM Ultimate
3066 RobiLap Decoder Interface: measurement ended after 1 lap Done Bug Medium
3031 All heats are marked with "strike through" after executing "strike best heat" Done Bug Medium
3030 "No data to display" is show instead of driven qualy heat Done Bug Medium
3012 Wrong tie resolution Done Bug Low
3009 Final rankinglist: wrong order in case of equal points Done Bug High
3008 Point assignment in SubFinal mode Done Change Request Medium
2996 Practice rankinglist: wrong order using points Done Bug High
2997 Final rankinglist: wrong order in case of equal points Done Bug High
2974 Rule Report configuration has check box black filled Done Bug Low
2976 The LastChance final arrangement is not as configured in the rule Done Bug Medium
2977 Results of finals are not shown anymore Done Bug Medium
2949 Extended "loop passed" announcement Done Change Request Medium
2947 The correction dialog under race management doesn't use the heat arrangement after reseeding Done Bug High
2941 Missing result after manual reseeding of the pilots Done Bug Medium
2932 Records on race results Done Bug Medium
2928 About closing the application 2.4.8 Done Bug Low
2931 Wrong LastChange arrangement after finalizing the 1/2 A, B and C subfinal. 2.4.8 Done Bug Low
2888 EFRA: counting of the qualiffications 2.4.8 Done Change Request Medium
2978 Position per car when car passing over the loop 2.4.8 Done Change Request Medium
2338 New french rule: Enhanced alternating move up 1/2 SubFinal into MainFinal 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Low
2384 Position statistic 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Low
2606 Sponsor sheet with model data 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Low
2799 Mark exception time on timing screen. 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Low
2811 Additional voice announcements for "preparation" 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Low
2783 New reseeding function 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Low
2925 FFVRC 2021 rules 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Medium
2926 Reseeding: the original arrangement of each heat should be visible 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Medium
2600 Gap on second page when printing the driver label 2.4.8 Done Miscellaneous Low
2948 Unable to install the latest version v2.4.8.1107 2.4.8 Done Miscellaneous Medium
RCM Cockpit
2168 Sticker printers support 2.4.8 Done Feature Request Medium